
Greeting’s Everyone,

My name is Adrian. I will hopefully be sharing information on a weekly basis. I look forward to the positive discussion’s with each of you.

I am an African-American from Chicago. I have lived in several countries and I currently live in Cape Town, South Africa.

I want to briefly talk about an education resource that could be beneficial to everyone that I discovered on my trip to Kenya this past week.

First, in my opinion, education is a business. The goal is to find as many paying “students” as possible. This is done both in a structured environment and online. It can be expensive to go to school and find the resources for payment in some cases. This doesn’t include any other circumstances in everyday life. I have a love / hate relationship with the higher education structure system.  I love to learn, but the tuition fees, books, and miscellaneous can be a challenge in regards to payments.

In the event that anyone is seeking to further education themselves without a tuition invoice or fee, then please check out Coursera.

“At Coursera, you can take courses from the top universities, for free”. In addition, the website has several courses in which you can receive a certificate. The only certificate that I have seen is a certification of completion that is given through the university of the course. Please remember that not all courses will provide a certificate of completion. I do not know at this moment if some of the courses provide a grade. You will have to check that out for yourself.

The website is:



Twitter: @altbrain
