Thin Black Duke of Slant Truth has created a Facebook group and cause for the Jena Six.  Much obliged, man; much obliged.  There are a couple of other groups dedicated to the Jena Six too, if you’re interested in joining them.  The most important thing is to spread the word.


Dr. Elle from Elle, Ph.D. just e-mailed me this footage from the peace protests taking place in Jena, Louisiana for the Jena Six (previous coverage here):

Also, in an effort to rally up support among the netroots, Tom, an ally at his blog Automatic Preference, has started writing a petition for the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate the charges brought against the Jena Six for racial discrimination, incorporating other criminal justice situations in recent events that have showed indications of disproportionate charging and sentencing arrangements being given to African-American children and young adults. It’s his first time creating a petition, and he’s asking for assistance, input, and feedback. Please stop by and give him your support. The plan is after the petition is developed and established, the link will be e-mailed to the numerous grassroots organizations and national organizations involved to let them know that the AfroSphere and the progressive netroots are supporting their fight for justice for the Jena Six.